Dear saudara Red1,
interesting. very interesting indeed. so are you a chinese or a malay actually? guess what? i actually find this question inspiring in a way.
coz regardless of whether you are a chinese or a malay, the fact is, you are ONE PERSON (*Malaysian*/ *human*). NOT 2 separate souls!
knowledge and wisdoms learnt both from your religion and the other religions. and never to underestimate the knowledge from the outside world.
sometimes i just wonder why can't some extreme Theists accept this simple rule of embracing diversity?
afterall aren't religions meant to just be a moral support and guidance for us human beings?
i don't particularly like the fact that religions impose rules to people's lives, shouldn't they just underscore a few ethical guidelines for people to rationally think and reflect upon before making any decisions in life instead of a 1000 pages book to tell you what to do and what not to do?
if the thousand pages of religious book is meant just as a storybook guide for any person theists or atheists to read for past times, i'm sure the world can be influenced for the better too, and less fights will be happening.
sometimes i just don't understand if the extreme Theists are merely using the religions to rule the world with their selfish hidden agendas.
we people are educated to think and analyze with logics, not abide strictly by rules.
ask WHY when you don't understand why something is done this or that way and make sure you are convinced before you move on! this is the fundamental criterion for the making of a POSITIVE CHANGE AGENT isn't it?
why "cage" people in a book?
my visions my ideals.
1 comment:
Blogger red1 said...
Hi Chee,
I am chinese, converted to Islam end of school life, and have very liberal attitude towards others.
I like to even sit with Jews and Dalai Lama. To me life has reasons to be so diverse and yes u put the spirit right by saying that its somewhat straightjacket to be not.
To me, what dictates character is character itself and not what we profess too often of.
We didnt ask to be born indian, malay or chinese. Thus we have no right to condemn based on what we have no control of. What we can control is our character and deeds.
I must listen to u and judge objectively irrespective of whatever u are. Others may not respect but heh, thats fine, my life goes on too much to bother.
Thanks for your quips! :-)
May 7, 2008 2:18 AM
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