Monday, May 12, 2008

Start Smiling and Have Yourself Surrounded with Smiles and Love

inspired by a blogger named sya from

from her blog post "smile :))"

i derived a simple thought.

indeed. smile for a better day, a better past, and a better future ahead. smile to cherish, give and offer, and take something in return in an unharmful or unselfish manner.

smiling could be the simplest key for making an ideal world!

look at the pictures i'd googled to inspire you to smile! and decide for yourself if you should smile!

Gaara, the initially villain character from Naruto who smiled when he was a baby boy..

the simple but infectious baby smile..

do you want your little ones lose the smile they once had?

even the poorest of all people smile so overwhelmingly!

and this boy tried his best to smile even though it's painful.. i really pity him..

check out the star smile from our critique of all critiques, Simon Cowell!!
and our amazingly generous idol, Oprah Winfrey!!

and when you can draw a genuine smile by giving just that little to a beggar..

and the obese should never refrain themselves from smiling too. it may help you lose some weight! at least if it makes you happy, you won't feel so burdened by any weight!

i'm not sure if she's a transvestite but i googled for a transvestite smile.. and so she smiled.

and the hatred-filled Sasuke from Naruto series once smiled too! where did that smile go to? ='(

if you ever thought the way i thought, why don't Ziyi Zhang smile more often but frown her face when she looks so much more beautiful when she smiles from deep inside?

and the pretty boy cum actor Edison Chen who was crazily idolized by Asian girls some time ago before his sex scandal. should we penalize him for just some mistakes he made in the past or give him another chance to be a right role model to the fans he once ruled?

the politicians! didn't smiling make them more welcomed and closer to the people?

and look who's smiling? our father of all cats! the beefy huge meowW! lol! =D

and poor Britney who was such a teenage Queen.. ever miss her gorgeous smile?

the Tiger's signature victory smile!!

Mother Teressa's passionate smile despite watching the most painful scenes in her daily life trying so hard to help.. only to understand that there are so many people out there who needs her helping hand but she alone can't help them all...

Obama with his gorgeous smile!! =P doesn't that make him an adorable presidential candidate?

US Secretary of the State Condoleeza Rice with her sparkling white smile!! =P

Michael Jackson who once smiled so charmingly because of his overwhelming fan base and supports, not because of his fair white skin or pointed nose.. i wonder why he didn't understand that simple fact.. that his fans are still everywhere to support him.. that coming back is never hard.

look at Mike Tyson our once famous and also once notorious world heavyweight boxer, didn't we recall that he once smiled so naively too? why pushed him to the corner with immense pressure until he fought back with violence?

and the controversial US President Bush. isn't he saintly too when he smiles?

and the rarest of all smiling species, China's Premier Hu Jintao, i wonder if anyone sees this smile at least on a weekly basis.. even the wife. =)

and the once consecutive Mr Universe Title holder and action movies super hero Arnold Schwarzenegger who won a state seat in past election! yea he smiles too, and that does NOT ruin his machismo, or masculinity BUT adds to his charm!! so why get so stern-faced when you are a dad or a boss??

the great Mahatma Gandhi with his holy smile. =)

Nelson Mandela the legendary speaker and leader who made a difference, can you tell the difference between a Difference Making Smile from a Normal Smile? NOT exactly! it only takes a genuine smile from deep within..

well Mona Lisa smile may be reserved a little but can you tell why her smile got so famous? was it because despite the reservation of her smile, her smile managed to spread outward even from a frame of artwork and so divine it captured the hearts of most people during the 1500s until now.

some of the related articles i managed to source include,

[The story is told of two women from the countryside, standing in front of the Mona Lisa, and saying to each other, "I don't like it." "What's all the fuss about?"

The guard says, "Ma'am, the Mona Lisa has stood the test of time. When you stand before her, it is you, not she, who is being judged."]

["The elusive quality of the Mona Lisa's smile can be explained by the fact that her smile is almost entirely in low spatial frequencies, and so is seen best by your peripheral vision," Prof Livingstone said.]

[The smile on the face of the Mona Lisa is so enigmatic that it disappears when it is looked at directly, says a US scientist.]

[ the romantic poets of the 19th century began to be obsessed with the femme fatale, the Mona Lisa was seized on as an ideal of womanhood, her smile and the eyes venerated. The confusion over quite who she was increased her allure.]

[(CNN) -- Scientists analyzed the portrait of the Mona Lisa, a woman with famously mixed emotions, hoping to unlock her smile. They applied emotion recognition software that measures a person's mood by examining features such as the curve of the lips and the crinkles around the eyes.

The findings? Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry, according to the British weekly "New Scientist."]

["There's no reason for it," said Frank Fehrenbach, Renaissance expert and professor of art history at Harvard University. "It is a beautiful portrait, but only historical coincidences have made it so famous."

The Romantic Movement in the 19th century had a lot to do with popularizing the work, Fehrenbach said.

"Romantic writers created the popular image of the 'Mona Lisa,'" Fehrenbach told LiveScience. Because of her bemused smile, "they said she must hold secrets, that she was the quintessential ‘femme fatale.' With all of these new ideas about the Renaissance being discussed, the 'Mona Lisa' became the symbol of that."]

"Maybe she's smiling because she found the secret to immortality."

well for me, it's as simple as a mystery unsolved. and that makes it sell. and priceless for ever! haha! =P

our PM Pak Lah and his beloved Jeanne Abdullah. look how smiling transcended across races, boundaries, and PLANETS!!

and my favorite Trump's Signature Victory Smile!! nobody does that better than Trump, haha! but do you see that often? perhaps Trump finds smiling a little more connected to clowns.. lol! =P

our beloved Tun Mahathir, who once graced our nation in the eyes of the world, well will you not have supported him if he continues to smile that genuinely everyday?

and look at the adorable and a little hilarious Clinton smile i got!! haha! she's so feminine when she lets go and smile to her top!! so cute! haha! =P

again Bush, well think again, is he that bad afterall??

and the Clintons. happily ever after with that miraculous smiles.

so are you smiling now? still not convinced with the wonders smiles can make to our planet Earth?

try starting from smiling to your mirror, then your pets, then the people who smile to you daily, notice how they reacted when you smiled back. and consciously start to infect the world with the joy of smiles! never be selfish with a genuine smile.

if everyone smiles everyday, every hour, every minute, to every people they meet. the world will not only be a better place to live in but an ideal world to live in.

My Visions My Ideals


Jade¬ said...

"If a smile and a frown are both possible, why not smile?"

strongly agree with SMILES! will attract good che (energy)
so luck will always be on your side! XD

senyum selalu!

chrisshee said...

haha yea! but what if the person is not a good smiler? lol!

some people just look better with a serious face. haha! =)

thxs a lot for the comment! =P