Sunday, July 5, 2009


walk on the side of the roads..

kicking the rocks as he pass by them..

hands in his pockets..

fully dressed in formal..


passerbys would take a peek and look elsewhere the second he look back.

why does he look so aimless?

what is bothering him?

waited for the shuttle bus for almost quarter of an hour..

you can tell he must be..

he's observing the moving crowds in groups every now and then..

then eyes closed, into his own moments with his other world in ipod..

then his cellphone pretty sure he's watching the hours..

impatient and yet laid back the next second..

fed up he stood up and walked off..

he stopped.

the bus is here.

he walked back.. the bus stopped.. everybody walked up..

he paused awhile observing..

then he walked off..

and the sky started to drizzle..

it's the moment..

just do it..

with his ipod..

his reliable pair of walking legs..

he seemed to have found something..

what is it?

he just got to walk on..

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