Sunday, December 19, 2010

Optimism or Pessimism? Am I Ready To Build My Future?

wow it had been like centuries i left my blog unmanaged and rot. almost incapable of matching the original concept of its inception with the latest blogs i wrote. especially when you speak of the optimism factor my blog positioned itself at the very beginning.

it would be a lie if i tell you i was never negative about anything in my life. when i first started blogging, my blogs were creepily negative but it seemed to share a common deep feeling some people could have experienced and are capable of associating with but usually deny. then i noticed that it only gets worse like wild fire. kind of depressing until i was inspired by something or some people around or some circumstances i almost forgotten how magically things turned positive and everything suddenly became inspiring and simply good. and so i deleted all my negative blogs and began anew with the optimistic ones.

however if you noticed or had been following my blogs or happened to stumble upon any of my recent blogs i'm sure you noticed they were pretty negative and depressing. makes me wonder if the claim that people are born optimistic or pessimistic was even close to truth. cause as far as i know, my life had had its ups and downs so many a turn i almost couldn't believe i'm the same person i was, just changing as experiences and clashes of philosophies i learned and developed myself about life made me so vulnerable to any influences. the truth is i was such a cheerful person when i was still in school until reality of relationships crushed me somewhat, and then surprisingly it was the connection with people again that got me back to the positive spirits, and there it went up and down again. so probably gaming and the addiction to the cyber world or virtual reality was the culprit to my fall. running away from problems never really could be even an acceptable option, no matter how hard it is or can be. however the fact of its temporary feel good factor could give.

not very certain of what i'm writing here now but i guess this is just a page to refresh my blog and hopefully you'll see more meaningful or good posts after as i continue to explore life. one thing i was impressed lately though, books especially the right kind of books that you find when you have doubts or questions in life really could be awesome sources of inspiration. books live on for a reason and they are destined to stay even if iPad is going hot nowadays. perhaps i will share something about what i read from a couple of really inspiring books i read recently if i have the time to share them. try Jim Rohn's The 5 Major Pieces to The Life Puzzle first perhaps if you are looking to know better about life. i think it's quite comprehensive. the beginning part about the philosophy part can be draining your interest but as you discipline yourself to read on to the remaining 4 major puzzles of attitudes, activities, results and lifestyle you will find it worthwhile to endure through slowly.

anyway i'm happy that i at least get myself on my blog today to crab something haha. =)


AJ said...
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AJ said...

welcome to the positive world !

I liked your post and also the approach. All the best !

Be well; be true; be positive

chrisshee said...

hey AJ~

thank you so much on the support~ it's really kind of you~

am sincerely happy. =)

i learned a lil about positive mental programming ^_^