Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Power of Humanity

If you ask me, what founded humanity and civilization..

I would say,

The power of humanity lies in its creation of Words and Numbers.


Numbers in the form of uncertainty can play a deceitful trick in the minds of people. Especially when it relates to finances and your money. Ask and find out about Time Value of Money and the assurances behind the figures to countercheck your depth of understanding in it.

Words forms either dreams, illusions or delusions. They are just fine lines in between. Clarify the definitions from different individuals to be alert of hidden deceitful agendas.

Ultimately my 2 cents understanding for the day:

Words and Numbers are the 2 most powerful tools created by humanity. They can either create genuine beliefs of dreams and future which move people to destiny or they can be weapons of mass destruction (False Beliefs).

Think. =)

I hope you like what i shared here.

My Visions My Ideals. =)

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