Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Child's World Compared to An Adult's

As a child, he wants attention; growing into an adult he learned that attention comes with more expectations, expectations to uphold a self he is not.

As a child, he wants to be a teacher and help others learn the subjects better; as an adult he learns that knowing does not answer the endless desires and quests in life, and that stupidity is probably the answer to happiness.

As a child, he loves to joke around and just make people happy; as an adult that foolishness is over judged with the depth of his jokes, the creativity of it, and the naivety of it, proven tasteless.

As a child he wants to be there for any friend who simply loves his presence around; as an adult he finds that empty and barely fulfilling, for unknown reasons his mind wanders and believes he could have some better activities to fill that little bit of time left for the self, how arrogant and ignorant.

As a child, he believes that he wants success and that being an adult he will find freedom and ability to get what he wants; but as a adult he learned his options are only growing narrower than ever.

As a child he looks forward to weekdays when he can see his friends again and play whole day long, knowing at home he would suffer loneliness; as an adult, he learns that he craves for that few more weekends just wanting to get away from the hypocrites and wildly sophisticated world he can not understand, just to have some privacy so he acts no more to please.

A child grows up with the hope to master the universe as an adult; only to know he rather be a child when he's there, that there's never ending conformity, that he only gets lonelier as he learns more about who he is; and wonders what's next when he gets older, when nobody craves for his body anymore.

What's your flavor of life?

Breeze, sweat, radio, winks, hugs, blue sky, water, shoes, giggles, timeless, empty reasons, more laughter, surprises, no plans, black out, dreams unfold, random books, random pictures, children still laughing and running rounds and rounds, bicycles, people walking, random smiles, pillows, jumping and more jumping, people saying thank you, differences celebrated..


Anonymous said...

I love this piece of writing and it's so true. And as we grow older, often insecurities say hello to our lives.

chrisshee said...

thanks for liking this piece =) am glad. XD