Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happiness is a Commitment

Is happiness attainable?

Is happiness permanent or temporary?

What gives rise to happiness?

What are the prerequisites to happiness?

How much does happiness cost?

Does your past dictate your present and future happiness?

To be honest, does the above questions matter?

Sometimes we look into the eyes of the happy people, we realize happiness is just simplicity. Living in the present and loving yourself and others with no other complicated thoughts.

So what if people gets hurt eventually? At least they were genuinely happy before. At least they get to speak and act their minds, with no holding backs.

I just came across this interesting site on How To Find Happiness in Everyday Living. It is quite inspiring and true to a certain extend.

Below are some of the statements i copied from its posts.

You can’t “find” happiness. Happiness finds you. Happiness is a by-product of living a life which is in line with the highest ideals you have for yourself.

Nothing outside of ourselves can make us feel long-term inner-peace and happiness. Conversely, nothing outside of ourselves has the power to keep us chained to long-term unhappiness.

We’re not happy with our lives because we’re not happy with ourselves or who we have become. There may be a constant nudging at our conscience telling us we’re no good or don’t deserve to be happy. Consequently, we continually sabotage ourselves and our lives.

As if love and respect from others is conditional depending on how well we’re living up to our potential. This only validates the way we already feel on the inside. We know we’re not the person we’d like to be or know we could be; it sure doesn’t help hearing it from others. That’s why we may get defensive at times when we’re nagged about not living up to our potential.

But deep inside there was always this scared little boy who was afraid of not being accepted or loved. I really had no idea who I was or how to live a happy life. To me, happiness was having a steady job and partying! Having a good time and happiness are not the same thing.

The answer to “how to live a happy life” is the same as it has always been; find and accept your true authentic self and live as true to that as possible.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

A victim is a spectator in their own life and you do not have to be a victim, you can choose to be a survivor and become responsible for your own happiness.

“At some point you have to realize that everything happens for a reason. It is up to you to find that reason, learn from it, and let it take you to the place you’re supposed to be—not just where you have ended up.”

If you really think about the unhappiness in your life, it stems from regret of the past or fear of the future. So the key to living a happy life then is learning how to stay in the moment.

The reason you struggle with staying in the moment is because your head fills up with how inadequate you are, regrets, fears, etc. so you keep busy; running around and trying not to stop too long or you might realize how screwed your are!

“All misery derives from the inability to sit in a quiet room alone.”
- Author Unknown

The question is, do you really want to be happy?

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