Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pictures depicting the missing piece of life..

i'm a lonely boat, sailing in the vast blue sea, waiting for a special someone to sail with me.

i can't sail but float without a compass until your presence..

so what is missing?

where are you my missing puzzle? i'm lighting up the spot so you know where to fill the emptiness i so wanted to make complete.. where are you my missing piece..

what happens when the world is moving and yet i just stopped and waited at the same old spot.. will you ever see me and guide me to a whole new height in life? just to prove that i'd once lived and loved before..

so there you are.. always next to me, but never whispered a single breath in my ear.. when are you going to come face me and talk to me like you'd never talked to the right person before?

i wonder what has this picture got to do with insecurity and loneliness.. can anyone kindly explain? thank you.

my visions my ideals

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