Saturday, July 5, 2008


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
by Albert Einstein.

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
by Jimmy Johnson.

Fantasies, heaven, dreams, hopes, wishful thinkings.. they all revolves around nature. Not superficial or man made entertainments. So what are we people fighting for in this new age world? Power? Money? Material Wealth? Perceived Successes? Or is it just love and affection by our human nature? What did our ancestors do in the process of making us such evolutionary freaks demanding for everything but nothing ultimately meaningful.

Idealism means nothing more than a noble perception of unrealistic events and superficial thoughts. Or is it plain fantasies? What is idealism an inexistent form of complex mind view of happenings? No. It is an expression of silent demand for escalation in living form. And a potentially unforgiving masterpiece of thoughts. Only the visualizers can see and make believed.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
by Eleanor Roosevelt.

my visions my ideals


Jackson Teoh said...

Yo, Chris
I have a quote that I think might interest you or maybe you've already known.
Obviously you are already practicing this quote:

"Ideas will always be ideas unless you put them into action."
-Albert Einstein

Just a very nice quote to share with you.


- Jackson Teoh

P/S: I wish that WalMart will be my client. Hehe... They'll be one day

chrisshee said...


haha i think i did heard of it. but naa i didn't really put it into practice.. lol!

not that i don't want to. but i'm too much of an analytical person that remains in the "proposal" stage for every idea i had. eventually i made nothing happen. lol!

ever heard of this quote?

"overanalysis leads to paralysis."

i'm a typical analytical coward. a downside most educated falls into eventually. coz we dare not take the risk of losing even though nothing. lol!

okay i'm plain lazy to put in effort and fear having to justify my loses. lol! =P

hey i like the quote!

i'll put it into perspective.

maybe it will remind me of my absence in action sometimes. thanks a lot! =)