Tuesday, February 10, 2009

how to find more opportunities?

the other day i was thinking about ways to find opportunities to expand a business.

somehow the question kept ringing my mind and i was lazy to blog about it.

didn't really look up much on the info but i guess these little tips might be able to help you a little if you are seeking the same question.

there is something we learn from the text of strategic management in the topic of external factors. it's the remote factors.

under the remote factors we have items of economic, social, political, technological, and ecological factors.

the second source comes from the international environment. which is comprised of economic, legal, political and cultural environments.

examples of the itemized factors under economic environment for the international environment includes level of economic development, population, gnp, per capita income, literacy level, social infrastructure, natural resources, climate, membership in regional economic blocs, monetary and fiscal policies, wages and salary levels, nature of competition, currency convertibility, inflation, taxation system, interest rates and etc.

the rest aside, i manage to find another source which sounds more common sense though.

it is about problem identification, something i used to think along.

notice the problems around you, say within the society you live in, devise a practical solution that is more effective or more efficient than the rest, then most importantly act and find a major client fast.

that's less of a creative idea i would say. but more of a practical street-smart start-up entrepreneur style.

anyway we'll discuss more about it next time.

i'm quite lazy to blog lately especially with my slow line and all the more enticing attention i get from the real world instead of the imaginary world of internet. haha.

cheers netizens! =P

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