Friday, February 13, 2009

Lions for Lambs

the lines of the movie caught my attention.

what do you live for?

what do you die for?

if you don't stand for something, you might fall for anything.

what do you stand for?

what do you fight for?

it did keep me questioning more.

and honestly i thought i could find a solid answer from the movie.

and sadly i didn't find an answer from the movie.

i guess that's what expected from a well-directed movie.

a good movie does not pave a straight answer for your question.

it keeps you thinking on your feet and make you rationalize and decide for your own self.

personally i think the best movie is one movie that is capable of standing with as many distinct perspectives as possible.

and this movie is a fairly good one for me cause i believe the next time i watch it i shall have a different discovery or understanding.

it depicts the lives of a politician, a journalist, a professor, and a few students.

all brilliant thinkers with distinct values and beliefs of their own.

all making major decisions in their lives believing in themselves doing for the better.

or do they not believe they are doing what's best for the most but for their own selfish self?

for pride and ego, for conformance and expectations, for belief and idealism, for inspiration and wisdom, for submission to reality and unwillingness to take a stand and a decisive role.

which is you which is not?

do understand that at a point of time in life you might alter your ultimate purpose.

you might lose your conscience because of pressure or pride.

you might end up bad from good.

but are you willing to admit your mistakes and faults and start it all over again or would you say there's too much to lose and that you can't risk losing everything and thus will do whatever it takes to win?

even the most brilliant of all is vulnerable to lose his foot on the grounds.

are you walking your talk or are you talking your talk while you walk another fast track route hoping you can outsmart the rest?

are you playing with words just so attempting to manipulate the ignorant and less fortunate or are you talking with your conscience watching over your back and your ethical stand?

how determined are you to stand firm on your grounds?

does it necessarily have to go whatever it takes to achieve your ultimate purpose?

are you any less competitive or a coward if you were to admit you made major mistakes, you lost control, or you exposed your weaknesses?

at the end of the day, what matters the most?

is it your name? your victories? your legend? your decisions? your final destination? your routes taken? the meanings you derived from your own life? the meanings you brought to the others during your life? or what?

some mistakes can haunt you forever. are you willing to make such one mistake for the overall better good?

if say you managed to do that and escaped from the finger-pointings. will you be tempted to do it again? or will you firmly promise yourself that you will never do it again and do all you can to repay your wrongs? will you openly tell the public your mistakes even when everybody knows nothing about your mistakes? or will you keep that your dirty little secret and risk exposing yourself to some unexpected discovery in the future? by then, are you as before ready to stand up to the mistakes you once made or step deeper into the soils and grounds of mine bombs you set yourself into?

what is human expected to be gods or angels when they take up a role of leadership?

or are they entitled to as many chances as the rest or just a little less depending on the stakes they are taking?

are you ready to stomach the bulk of responsibilities and expectations you are entrusted before you pat yourself over the back and say, "yes i'm ready!"?

or are you taking the role with a mind that's filled with, "i think i will do just fine..", "...maybe i'll do a better job than..", "if he can do it, i sure can do better..", blablabla..

what is it wrong when your ultimate goal in life is changed over the course of your dwindling roads in life?

does it mean you are any short of capacity or courage or is it a mere acceptance of faith and reality?

should that be a scape goat for you to run for second best or third?

so my dear readers and friends, what do you stand for in your life? do you dare to speak aloud to the public about it? will you dare to shout it loud and clear every morning of your life to remind yourself of what you aimed for in life and if you will continue towards that final destination?

does it mean you're a failure if you aim high and end up not there ultimately?

does it mean you are a success if you aim mediocre and end up better than mediocre?

does it mean you are a success if the general perception of success fits your current state of lifestyle?

or does it only mean you are successful when you meet what you set challenging enough for yourself and achieved eventually?

think. think. think.

i'm not here to give you an answer. i like to question and analyze your differing answers and that's how i learn.

honest speaking, Lions for Lambs is a little hard for me to understand..


i guess i'll watch it again when i'm ready to refresh my thoughts.

3 stars i'll rate.

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