Tuesday, January 18, 2011

War Against Incompetence and Corrupt!

Dear students,

it is 3.41am in the morning now when i start penning on my blog. i woke up because there was a lot going on in my mind and i got to clear them up before i can sleep peacefully.

i have a tough decision to make for myself next morning. either to be committed to my financial services and planning consulting job full time, educate in school full time or split my mind and body both sides and getting no where.

to be honest i am very happy to teach my students. it is very tough to teach you guys i must be honest with you. to have to play a role of excellence and one of pride and honor, yet your dear education centers can NOT even pay me a deserving cheque. i was told i will get only RM50 per school day when i was paid RM80 plus back then as a replacement teacher in another school a year ago! bullshits!

this is how corrupt and incompetent your government can be!

6 hours to punch in for school a day and i am to be paid a humble RM50! when i can easily command for RM50 per hour teaching private 1 to 1 tuition! when i can just focus on selling insurance plans and get 35% of the minimum RM1200 annual plan in an hour closing sales which means RM420! and the number can get even crazier if i do whole heartedly and continue to brush up myself to sell to business people and the professionals for plans worth RM10,000 or more yearly! count it yourself how much i deserve.

i do not know if i am seen as a competent and qualified educator or teacher in your eyes. but with my instinct i am pretty sure i'd impressed you even at the first occasion i speak in front of your classes. regardless of competition, i believe you can tell if i'm qualified. not only that our education centers FAIL to identify talents who earnestly want to give back to teach, they fail to contain talents when talents are willing to even take shitty offers!

to be honest i am really pissed. as much as i respect the good teachers and the head mistress in the system, i am pissed with the incompetence of the system which promotes mediocrity and to my own understanding, the system intends to play by their other rules not known explicitly to me. our "competent" government can not even plan or allocate budgets to the rightfully needed temporary teachers for schools under their jurisdiction! total craps! and we are shouting about change and CLOSING THE GAPS BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR!

at the rate we are going we are only widening the gaps!

today i felt sorry for my students..

in the same school of about 10 classes of 40 each a form..

the 2nd class students can comprehend almost 90% of my teaching in complete english and BM.

whereas the 2nd last class students can understand 10% of my teaching in simple english and BM. i had to improvise and even explain in mandarin to at least let them understand what i was saying.

and the government intends to put a malay teacher to teach the class BM! smart ass! this is nothing about race. it is just fact of whether we even know how to be audience-centered! in private companies this is a do or die scenario for the survival of the system! the education centers in malaysia should have been extinct long ago with what they are now doing!!!

continue to brush the academically poor students aside and let them rot. and continue to send your own children to private institutions or private tuition. you tell me if we can even narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. correct me if i'm wrong.

by the way, i was told by my dear friend that i am just a sucker and being treated as a sucker by the school. i was told that the school decides to take me in not because i am extraordinary or talented but probably because i am a sucker who is willing to take shit offers at a discounted rate and work harder than the rest and that means simple work and cheaper labor for them. a simple question was posted by my friend, if the school really believes you are good enough, they know what you deserve and will fight for you at least for your last pay deserved. very true indeed.

and sorry HM if i'd been rude, i believe as the highest authority of the school, if you believed in me and believe in change, you would have put in more effort to push the issue to the higher authority and enforce fair remuneration for me to stay. it seems you are taking advantage of me as a sucker too. likewise what my dad said, ask for at least a sure paycheck of RM2500 a month or dump the job. my dad's right. as much as i want to help the students, i don't want to be underpaid and treated like a shit. don't forget that i'm willing to teach any subjects you asked for and it's only for 2 months! tell me if you can find other suckers who can take an offer like that. especially one who already got a full time job immediately after your previous contract expires. i am competent and will be competent enough to find a job outside in the private sectors! it's only a matter of what i want. and sadly my heart is still at the roots of out society's decay. my heart wants to change and be a part of education! stupid me!

my mum deserves her comfortable retirement. and i have to earn more to keep her comfortable after all the long years of hardwork she sacrificed for us. i'm sorry mi. i should have cared about my own family before i care about strangers' kids. i thought i can feed myself being "noble" and righteous.

and the following quote is specially for you people, it inspired me to be realistic:

"No one will remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intention. He has money as well." - Margaret Thatcher

my apologies if anything written was judgmental. and i hereby assure you there is no intention of racist remarks at all. if there is, it will be to any races deemed incompetent and corrupt, a race that is not defined by color of skin but the incapacity to deliver a considerably competent job in this modern society of intense competition.

thank you.


Anonymous said...

If you want to be an educator and earn good money , you need to think BIG. It is possible. Your life will become very meaningful. That's one of your life challenge......

From the God

chrisshee said...

haha is God David?


i want to aim to become Father of Modern Education Malaysia by 40 years old!!!

haha. can ar?


Anonymous said...

If you think you can, it would be first step towards it. Plan, visualize, empower, meet the right people. If your heart is sincere and good, then when you are in quiet place, close your eyes, blank your mind, then ask a question in your mind, I will be there speaking with love to you.

From the God

chrisshee said...

thxs God. will keep that in mind.
