Sunday, June 1, 2008

Reality Checks thanks to Direct Sales and MLM.

i went on invitation by a good friend to her company's event yesterday with an objective to learn and explore. strictly not to be 'brainwashed' but to THINK.

it was a direct sales company by the name of Elken established in Malaysia.

i'd been to many more different MLM and direct sales companies to learn and support my friends, and here are some of my findings. at least 6 companies i'd listened to with receptive mind so far.

but i am not going into any as yet, most probably never. the reason being very simple, "i couldn't align my vision with their visions."

however i have got to salute the aspiring people with driving passion to challenge the odds and fight their way up the chain in those opportunities.

The Pros:
1. it's a fair opportunity for everyone. regardless of who you are, what your qualification is, whether you got education or not, etc. MLM and Direct sales did in fact solve most unemployment problems locally.

2. it rewards you 'better' than your local employers if you are a 'mediocre' or if you don't have a clear goal and/ or you do not consistently reflect upon yourself how far had you gone toward your goal in life and if you should consider taking a more drastic approach to make things happen. oftentimes if we were to take up an employment opportunity, 95% of us had indirectly decided to let the employment control and brainwash us. not exactly our employment's faults. our MENTALITY is the problem. our education system made us COPYCATS and lackadaisical. by the way, you still have to be 'excellent' in the field to be heavily rewarded. look on.

3. asians are mostly trained to be copycats. so with a "copycat success system", most of us can thrive and succeed. but beware, not all. and i have to admit that it's not a cult, but is it not as perfect as it tells us. how HARD are you willing to work?
despite the tumbling rocks?

4. the sharing, caring, motivating, and thriving together with partners concept is way superior than the conventional corporate companies philosophy which indirectly promotes politics, fierce competitions and backstabbing, etc.

5. flexibility, as you are deemed to be a 'boss' of your own. but beware of this. bosses don't always thrive. don't be manipulated or 'brainwashed' by the schemes or workshops unless you are voluntary or happy with it. then again, remember your goal is to achieve your lifelong dreams by using a different means which is supposed to be good, not to 'fool' others in with gimmicks or promises you can't keep. perhaps you didn't fool or cheat, but you unconsciously promotes your company as "the one and only 'best' option." tell me if that is right or wrong? conventionally successful companies don't do such things.

6. most direct sales and MLM companies reward locals more because they use foreign money! let's put it this way. at the end of the day, you are not exactly being your own boss. you are just being manipulated to 'take ownership' of your company's beliefs and voluntarily spread it for them. the reason most malaysian conventional companies fail to these MLM concepts is because the 'selfish' employers exploits the employees to the maximum. well they also have their 'reasons?? it's a chain reaction, maybe our employers are being exploited by the western superiors! are we gonna forever be under their influences? think. and the reason employees in malaysia earns miserable income is because we do not have 'minimum wage policy'. don't damn the government for this people, accept the fact that the majority of malaysians are uncompetitive. the mentality is wrong, did they even provide value to the their employers? think. if you don't offer the value, don't expect a high price tag for yourself! wake up! so at the end of the day, we were made used of to SELL people's ideas, products, and services! and accept this fact, if you can sell well for your conventional companies, you also get good money. demands pull the economic cycles. and that's where the money flows alongside. if you love it, by all means. as i said, i'm not a follower until i see something aligning with my visions. don't make me your puppet. unless you have what it takes.

one more thing, do you know that MLM and direct sales concept failed terribly in the western countries? simple enough, Westerners' employment benefits is as good or more superior than our MLM or direct sales because they can command for the price tags with the values they offer for employers. think about it. why? the westerners solve problems and provides more values to their employers in more innovative ways, we failed that miserably, so we just do what they don't wana do, which is to sell. if you love it, by all means. if not, think and think hard and provide solutions. the masterminds don't have to work so hard but sit back, relax and pocket in your hard earned money. it's a fair thing. because you don't have the brain power to strategically offer superior solutions. but i have to salute your determination to work hard for the company that eventually make them succeed. it's a BALANCE. it's all about WORTH. if you think it's worth, you do it, and no regrets or you will fail no matter what you do.

7. the number of training sessions, motivational workshops and interactive sessions they provide for their 'partners'. it engages the partners. it empowers them to grow, feel lively, improve and feel more bonded to the company. come on, yes it's good but take heed of the trade offs for every pros later. nothing is perfect. you have to decide for yourself. be alert people.

8. monetary costs effective versus human capital cost effective. MLM and direct sales manipulates your networks and influences to cut their tremendous costs on hard assets and many traditionally useful marketing and advertising costs. but what is the trade off? be prepared you have to work extremely hard to SELL by using yourself as the marketing tool! no worries, you don't have to sell your body. but you know what i mean. if you like to engage strangers or enjoys meeting new people. by all means, take the job. not everyone can do it. rejections over rejections can take down some people. at the end of the day, you may work harder in MLM than in offices. you tell me why. just don't overpromise the newbies. coz that's the reason you have 99.85% mediocres or even passive members in your network. remember your purpose is to provide value to people, not to 'manipulate' people. again it's self-perceived WORTH.

okay for the pros. now comes the cons.

1. fair opportunity for everyone bares a cost. the brand and association costs. conventional companies select and hire. so they get to choose people who can best represent their corporate image. can MLM or direct sales companies do this? think. perhaps you can say it's discrimination is a bad way. but the fact is, do you not have to pay a nominal sum to be associated with the rich and famous?? if you enjoy mixing with any kinds of people, it's perfect! no problem! but try asking the top achievers in the MLM or direct sales companies. did they not lose a little comfort of sharing a warm tea with the people or friends they once enjoy company so much? it's an association. you can't exactly get everyone to like what you do. and when you first put on the smiley face with a mask, you are 'deceiving' the people around you. tell me why some MLM partners eventually lose some life-long friends thanks to association with these companies? don't ignore that issue. don't tell me it's only minority and that these people are merely culprits who are impatient and using the wrong ways and approaches and in the end destroying MLM concepts. don't fuck with me. i'm not stupid. i can accept the pros and cons, the fact of trading off. but i hate the idea that you guys just focus on your goods and eventually indirectly misled some people which i think is unethical. okay i'm not extreme, many corporate companies does the same thing. just don't label your company as the 'best' company to work for. that's misleading. it's supposed to be a choice. and you are supposed to educate people your goods and bads. not just goods. and one more thing, do you know why some educated people don't wana join force despite the earning potential? it's a choice. priorities-differences. don't say they are 'dumb fools' who can't see the prospects of your companies. embrace diversity people. some people enjoys PRESTIGE more, some MONEY, some FRIENDSHIPS, some FLEXIBILITY, some FREEDOM, some COMFORT OF DOING WHAT HE OR SHE IS PASSIONATE ABOUT, and many more. simply because you chose to work for MLM or direct sales because you need the 'better potential to earn money' or because you are 'manipulated in' doesn't by itself gives you the reasons to fuck others for not wanting to join force! think. it's a CHOICE, and WORTH. i know you had been through a hard time because your initial impression about the MLM or direct sales which created your fire and passion was put off by some reality checks of the costs involved. i'll list them down later.

2. do you know why they reward you more? it's because your work nature is highly demanded for. in other context, NOBODY or VERY FEW PEOPLE WANA DO YOUR JOB! everyone knows that selling is the ultimate thing to survival of any businesses. and selling is the fucking 'hardest' (in a way.. but not for all again. some people are born to sell) one! wasterners don't wana do it. so you do it. which was why i said i salute you for your amazing selling abilities. but do you know the costs involved? are you ready to take them? if yes, you have chosen the right thing for yourself. if not, don't push. as i said, it's a CHOICE. and yes it could be personal, just don't release your stress on others. you risk losing more if you do so. from a different perspective, why do i call you 'mediocre'? coz you can't innovate or create new values. you can only copycat what others created for you to follow. do heed me, i don't look down upon you. i salute you for your creativity to approach people and influencing them to buy your beliefs, your ideas, your products and services. that's great! well i can't do that! you are better than me that way! but i have my own CHOICE and PREFERENCES! if i believe i can sell my innovative and creative ideas, why do i have to succumb myself to selling yours?? do you get me? it's just a choice and a personal belief. no hard feelings. you can earn million more times than me doing what you are doing or i can earn million times more than your top achievers too. who knows? just keep our fingers crossed and continually break through.

3. copycats? yeap copycats. controversially you can even say that billions of employees and millions of bosses are copycats. you're not wrong. people copy different 'success formulas'. you can't say yours is definitely more superior than theirs unless you can fork out all your cons and yet let them voluntarily make their choice to join you. anyhow, don't generalize. 100 persons joining you voluntarily doesn't make your company perfect. okay? there are so many things you have no idea about. so am i. but i'm open minded to accept everything. do correct me if i'm wrong.

by the way, are you aware that strategists or the masterminds behind all schemes eventually earn more? simple enough, leaders are more highly demanded than followers. robots can eventually replace followers. so do you wana change now or eventually risk your next generations to be 'robots'?? of course there are different kinds of leaders. even in your scheme there are super achievers who are leaders and earn a handsome fee. yes i have to admit that they are influential, if not how can they make you believe them? but did you seriously think behind their minds? or are you just taking in every single thing they feed you without analyzing? let me tell you why i didn't want to fight back or argue with them. coz i respect their believes. and i don't want to jeopardize their stands. but let me ask you one thing. if one day no newbies wana join force with your company, would they still be so glamorous?? that's why they are so 'kind' and 'humble'. they need you to spread their wings. eventually you could be just 'brainwashed' to follow them. let me remind you why only 10% of the members are 'active' and merely 0.15% of them are saluted. not everyone is born to be a leader. but the critical thing is that you have got to first THINK hard and be OPEN MINDED. trust me, some of these 'leaders' can be 'manipulating' or 'exploiting' you. but easy, it's a fair game. you know what you want, and they made you believe that you can get what you want in their association. but did you seriously ask yourself if you can? or had you lost your direction and blindly follow them?? eventually you still end up the same as other employees. maybe you earn more money than them. but you lose something too. do i have to remind you what you lost? perhaps you risked some previous friends' trusts, love, you risked associating yourself with people who can clearly differentiate businesses with friendships; you risked living freely as in not having to worry about your own business risks; you have to commit to your current company, which trades off your commitments for some other things in life too. i don't wana go to deep into that before i risk confusing you and making you paralyzed with my analysis.

4. sharing and caring huh? okay can't you get that from your religious gatherings? your usual group of friends? now you might lose your previous gangs and come into a whole new one. or had you eventually got brainwashed to after 'subsistent life'?? think about it. some people don't even care about these 'sharing and caring' stuffs. coz they are not sensitive and they might find it unintellectual. i don't disapprove it. but one thing you might have to keep in mind. not everyone thinks like you. so don't expect others to love what you love. and thus don't call others 'stupid', 'lazy', 'close-minded', or whatever negative things when they object your beliefs. again it's just a CHOICE. no discriminations people.

5. it goes back to the same thing, TRADE OFFS. BALANCE. higher risks comes with possibility of higher returns. you are a 'boss' if you think you are a boss. then take ownership of your work, get paid good money or get great satisfaction if you love your work; BUT more worries if you can't make it, more costs for you to bare yourself. think and weigh the COSTS and BENEFITS yourself. then decide if it's WORTH for you. don't force or impose the ideas on others.

6. now i'll list to you the costs of doing this MLM or direct sales 'business'. you are your own 'boss' right?? so you fork out all the expenses! don't expect your company to pay you entertainment expenses to entertain your 'customers'. fork your own transportation bills, your telephone bills, your stocks, your own training workshop fees! these are all VARIABLE COSTS! don't be stupid when you say you earn "RM3000" a month and laugh at your "employed" friend. how much COSTS had you paid out?? think people think! the more customers you maintained, the more variable costs you have to consume yourself! tell me your PROFIT at the end of the day! yes for sure if you are the best, you know how to switch your variable costs into fixed costs and take economic scale to stock and sell probably you will earn more. by the way, when you say employees risk depending their life on their employers, you actually depend yours on your CUSTOMERS too. which is easier?? nobody has an easier job. just prove your value to whatever organization you are working for, even for yourself. make sure you are happy with your "WORTH" and go with it! why 'cheat' us that you earn HUGE SUMS? is it because you eventually need us to earn money?? hey don't forget your purpose working there. giving others opportunities, changing peoples' lives, and providing people a means to achieve their dreams. come on, be practical. how many people got to the top eventually?? 0.15%! shut up! don't say we are stupid when we say NO. and i never said you are 'stupid' when you said 'YES'. optimistic and positive thinkings right? no doubt! but with reality checks! just don't discriminate others. it gets back to you eventually. i understand that employees used to discriminate direct sales agents and MLM people. and the cycle comes back hitting at them, now the direct sales and MLM people are trying to discriminate the employees. no point! we need a balance okay? don't impose rules on others. don't call me a "gray sheet of paper". i'm more "white sheet" than you are. no offense. you know i just want you to wake up. not saying that your choice was wrong. but you can never succeed in real form unless you dare to challenge the odds. i salute and respect your undertakings. so should you respect mine. don't call me a 'nerd head'. that can piss me off. my influence can easily jeopardize yours if i want to be extreme. but no point. it will get back to me. if i ever discriminate anybody, eventually i get it back perhaps double or triple times worse! so no hard feelings. i'm just analyzing impartially. this is what i do best.

7. don't you have to pay for your own progress and learning?? come on, conventional companies bare the cost of the employees training. so didn't they already pay you? it's just that you don't appreciate it. as simple as that. a CHOICE and WORTH you set for yourself. TRADE OFFS people??! BALANCE! LOVE = APPRECIATION which is our ultimate goal in life. if you got it there. then love it and do it. not everybody gets it there. so don't generalize them as same as you. and thus don't impose them a feeling that they are living in a 'box'! you might be the same okay? coz you didn't see the good things about working for traditional companies.

8. well you are selling using your own self and your own voluntary investments. NO your companies don't pay for your investments and they don't care a damn to subsidize your costs. tell me how many contacts you exploited to get just 1 response? tell me how much is your monthly telephone bill? your fuel consumption skyrocketed? for your own lifestyle or for your 'business'?? think about it. tell me you don't have to worry about your excess stocks, your loans, your people's relationships. it's eventually back to square. a CHOICE, WORTH, a BALANCE, and a PASSION or LOVE for what you believe in.

sighs.. i mean no harm okay.. i just want people to wake up and face reality and think of ways to innovate and create values. everything is a choice. don't discriminate. embrace diversity. life is a cycle. everything has its pros and cons. be a critical thinker. don't follow blindly and then expect others to follow you blindly. NO NO! be optimistic and idealistic but with reasonable reality-checks. be a problem-solver.

enough said.

till another time. i shall try to devise a better solution to these 'gimmicks' if i can discover a best one. on the mean time. it's my calling to learn from everything, be inspired, challenge the odds and create something unbelievable. perhaps i'm too amateur. i believe in my visions and ideals. regardless of how you wana pin me down. think again if that serves your purpose or objectives. i am a DREAM REALIZER. believe it or not. i am just trying to make the best of my ability. i can choose to conveniently follow something i am comfortably satisfied with and be a nobody. it costs me million times less to do so. tell me how much i earn from blogging nonsense and unconventional ideas??? will i risk myself being attacked to death?? will i earn a tremendous profit some time in the long term?? tell me what you think.

my visions my ideals

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