Saturday, May 31, 2008

Same Meaning Different Connotations.

lol! i was watching Batman Cartoon and these statements sparked me! so funny! and meaningful.

hero A: so i'll have to admit that i'd underestimated you Batman.

Batman: oh yea?

hero A: we do have something quite similar.

Batman: oh yea? we are stubborn.

hero A: oh well i mean Enormous Will Power. but since you said stubborn. i guess it's the same..

haha! did you get the joke and the meaning?

stubborn = enormous will power.

negative connotation vs. positive connotation.

and oftentimes we people wana associate ourselves with the good ones just unconsciously wanting to 'feel great' about ourselves.

doesn't sound too bad right? but the thing is, if everyone is stubborn as in trying to insist that he or she is RIGHT and never willing to say, "i'm sorry i was wrong" and change, we'll never progress at dramatic speed in life.and worse off, you risk taking for granted and further believe that you are 'god' or 'superior' than others.

my findings few days earlier?

jealous = unfair treatment.

you might say that someone is treating you unfair and thus you dislike it or so; but i'll say the reason you get angry over it coz you were 'jealous'. as simple as that. if you take it, you learn from it and stop complaining; if not you continue to complaint and progress no where.

oftentimes guys with their ego chose to insist it's unfairness they witnessed that made them do bad after; and insisted girls are simply jealous with little things. the fact is, both are the same, but girls are more willing to give in in terms of pride coz they are submissive and 'generous' in forgiveness.

so people, learn from each other. don't brag and stand so tall you are never willing to compromise a little on your pride. eventually you are at the losing end. trust me. =P

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