Monday, May 26, 2008

Malaysia women are still exploited and manipulated – true or false?

False. false because "exploited" and "manipulated" are 2 BIG words for the situations we are currently facing.

"mistreated" seems less abusive to me, perhaps that will be acceptable.

the reasons being simple.

check out malaysian issues on Patriarchy and Male Chauvinism.

next is the female student uniform requirements hotly debated by the public. baselessly claiming that the uniforms worn by girls at government schools was “sexy” and "encouraging" and thus necessary to add camisole to fend off social ills, including “rape, sexual harassment and even premarital sex.”

the other issue is Islamic Polygamy, which is abused by a minority number of inconsiderate Muslim "husbands".

as a friend named Ingenieur pointed out in youthsays forum council, "The main reason Polygamy was made as allowance in Islam was during the battles nearly 1400 years ago in Arabia, that rendered many women as widows. To provide protection and shelter for the women, married men are allowed to marry them. The requirement? They must be able to treat all their wives fairly."

other issues so far appeared acceptable at least from my perspective. female senior executives or bosses phenomenon are mild in our country as far as i know. i hereby refuse to discuss on that. okay enough. =)

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