Monday, November 16, 2009

Biz vs. Employment

sometimes i wonder why so many of my peers are convinced about the bright future they can make by engaging in businesses and yet they conformed to the rule of the game in society -- securing your future by being employed.

yes there is no doubt that you need capital to start a business, you need opportunities as to what products or services of value can you provide, you need networks of talented people to work with to operate and materialize your concept of business, and last but not least your capacity to undertake risks and persistence to endure the hardship and challenges you are abound to face!

sometimes i wonder which notion is fact and which is crab. are employers bad and exploitative or are employees lackadaisical and unproductive? or it is the society's fault to have devised a system that matches the wrong people to the wrong value propositions?

have you the belief that everyone is gifted to perform or carry a certain value or a certain set of values to this society to substitute another human's lacking? and yet those unknown values are not promoted simply because the society's system is preoccupied with quantifying values with existing job descriptions and monetary rewards!

sometimes it feels as if it is the failure of education system to empower young people to think on their own and dare to make a difference by going against the tide and form a new value proposition for the society. so it seems on the surface education would be the best option to engage in to make a change. but then there is so many rules and system in education that is dictated by politicians who understand little about education and perhaps led by monetary or industrial influences, and so the gap of rich and poor continues to widen. is there ever a possibility of change you might ask.

thinking otherwise, employers are not so bad afterall. because they are willing to risk taking you in and paying you a fix amount of salary when you are new and learning and yet to contribute to their bottom lines. whereas as a new staff, who are you to demand for security when you are not contributing an awesome job? be reminded that you are a cost to the company! well perhaps a cost that is potentially an asset rather than a liability. so your boss took risk! and so he deserves the power to rule over you! is that right? well at least we do have employee rights and laws to mandate them from exploitation.

rule number 1 in investment states that the higher the risk you assume, the higher your potential returns. and as employees most of us are taught to be risk-averse and tied to our seats and condemned to the belief that security is what we get when we continually serve our bosses. but what does our bosses think in return? unfortunately they think of how they can leverage their investments by using us. we might be comrades or friends but at the end of the day we are just a quantifiable asset or commodity to our bosses. we are as much as we can make money for our companies! we are not indispensable or irreplaceable!

then comes another general perspective. many people are happy go lucky kind of people. we want to be happy and we want to enjoy life to the fullest and work least or if possible don't work at all. how nice if i can enjoy life and not work? but is that possible? everything comes with a cost. if not then how do the society function? that is precisely why the employers gain the rights to wield their power wands over us! dictate us and rule us! we can't fault them can we? afterall we gave them the power to abuse us since we abuse our rights to security. we all have certain responsibilities to assume anyhow no matter who we are. the rich owes a greater responsibility to taxes and charity too don't they? the only difference is whether you gain where you want by a righteous way or a wrong one.

and how do you find yourself fitting into an existing value proposition in the society?

do you have a solution to this phenomenon?

do take note that the world does evolve, just that it is evolving in a rate you can hardly notice when you are immersed into your own perceived world.

some of us are still sitting aside watching the global phenomenon as if it is a movie scripted by directors, and so sitting calmly in denial assuming that we are not a part of the system. are we? are everyone of us a part of one big system? are everyone of us obligated to uplift the other and do what we can to help another? is the global world really evolving towards the making of One Community?

do read on my next upcoming blog if you have the same queries.

and please do share your views if you have any. i would love to learn from you. =)

to be continued, perhaps with an evolving solution..

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