Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Parent-Child Moment

Creativity + Imagination + Education + Growth + Your Very Own Parent-Child Experience

Inspired by a Local-bred Creative and Innovative Guru cum Father Uncle Bugs and a Writer cum Mother Elaine Dong, I see an idea of Parent-Child Relationship Made Simple. And most of all, resource-efficient, for both time and money, and it definitely serves the purpose of education and creativity encouragement as well as cultivation of meaningful parent-child relationship.

Today’s parents are so tied up in terms of quality time and faced with insurmountable challenges on how to raise their children to be competitive and independent, giving room to so many early childhood development programs that spring up like mushrooms in Singapore and Malaysia, and of course the world around. The question is, are we really so inapt in bringing up our own toddlers and teens that we have to assign the entire responsibility to professional coaches and educators? Rendering ourselves irrelevant to our children as they grow slowly out of our influences? The modern day upbringing dilemma – who’s your biggest hero and why? Gaga? Bieber? Jolie? Anybody on the papers but not my parents, coz they were never there when I really needed them, they don’t understand me!

Whose fault is that? Was it not our inability to create a meaningful experience with them even with incredibly limited time available? No excuses. It doesn’t take more than 1 hour a week for you to create an experience worth decades to come if you put your mind and heart into tailor-making a unique experience for your very own child. And it means more than the paychecks you are about to take in a year to come, even up to a decade to come, depending on how you value a relationship or the unquantifiable value of love when you really need them (PS: Look down 30 years from now when your professional life no longer gives you satisfaction of any kind, who do you need most then? A child who pays for homecare fees or a child who spends that meaningful 1 hour a week chat with you to share about his moments in life?).

Anyway, back to the idea.

Take a short 1 committed hour to engage your child with these activities:

1. If he or she is of 3 year of age to 9: build a story book with him or her. It can be as simple as a 4 page cardboard you cut out with him or her at his or her favorite shapes to write, draft or draw his or her stories. Be it imaginative or real. And start encouraging his or her creativity and thinking process by suggesting the key questions what, who, where, when, which and most importantly, WHY? Trust me, you’ll love it. It might even tickle your funny bones seeing how adorable or insanely irrational the stories could be. Perhaps telling you what being a father or mother is such a fun thing to attempt in life. And in case if you started figuring your child has a demonic imagination or darker side of his stories, wouldn’t it be better you know it earlier than later and try by not being judgmental, slowly encouraging more positively vibes into his stories and the future you are about to paint with him.

2. If he is of 10 years or above up to any teenage years or young adults (depending on his rational thinking progress): teach him or her that life is not a bed of roses and we are here to solve problems, of big and small. And those are golden opportunities in life. Encourage him or her to think outside the box and look for wants and desires and build answers, solutions or even product concepts around them. Remember, the key is resource constraints. Understand that life is like a limited resource pool with loads of demands by every individual, and the ones who are able to fill those gaps are the ones who can demand for the most handsome rewards and resources.

Enough for today. Hopefully you get inspired today just as much as I got inspired by these 2 “Creators”.

Love today like there’s no tomorrow to love.

Signed off by your very own,
Christopher Shee (who craves inspiration and ideas)

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