Friday, September 12, 2008

the beauty of question marks

indeed as you know more, you know there's so much less that you know about life.

that indeed life is a mystery by its own.

why bother thinking so much about things that you can't control when you know they are in god's hands.

had been thinking too much about how i can contribute back to the society..

i guess after knowing some people now.

i learned one simple rule of life.

i'm living my life for myself. not for anybody. then why bother thinking so much about those obligations? there isn't in fact any obligations. they only pull you back from living life to the fullest.

there's only a few persons that i may owe my life to.

first of all, my beloved parents who never back out on me no matter how bad i am as a son. then my siblings who cared so much about me too. then my future lover and probably my future family. and some worthy friends.

who knows i might be contributing more back to the society when i can make these people who loved me happy?

i don't know what i'm crabbing about now..

but all i know is my parents were always right about doing the best for me. that i'm sorry i was and probably still am a rebellious son.. i guess i'm just a rebel in nature. i hope you know how much i love you di mi.. if i don't love you i wouldn't have been giving myself so much pressure in life.. even though eventually still ending up no where.. half hearted in almost everything i do..

i guess i really have to admit that there's too little i know about life and that experience does count.

if you ever know how much i wanted you to just say you are proud of me for whatever i do..

i guess some choices are meant to be made.. as a grown-up, sometimes we are just bound to make some mistakes, even probably some major mistakes.. but aren't we entitled to make these stupid mistakes along our ways in life in order to learn more from them? afterall life isn't meant to be perfect right?

it's the hurdles, the ups and downs that actually bond us and make us better right?

i'd been too timid to make mistakes and face failures in life. it's because of the fear of rejections and the doubts that made me a coward of my own dreams.. well i really don't know what i am mumbling about now.. i guess i just wana say i'm blessed because i am your son.. even though i hardly wana talk or say anything to you.. i just hope you understand that i'm just going through the adolescent phase i guess.. the phase that i'm supposed to go through myself probably..

i love you di and mi.

have a nice day.. =)

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