Sunday, June 8, 2008

what was i and who am i to be?

what am i made of?

who am i destined to be in the future?

i want to make the best of myself in my life.

i believe i can see almost everything in life that most people ignored or even get to notice only at the end of their lives.

perhaps i sound arrogant and boastful if i were to claim and sell myself this way. but somehow i believe in things you might wana consider believing in. any how you can choose to stop right here if you wish not to be fooled or influenced by my thoughts.

had you ever asked yourself deeply who you were, who you are and who you are going to be?

had you ever asked yourself what's the point of you living this life?

had you ever asked yourself what are you meant to do? your calling in life?

had you ever seen the entire cycle of life and eventually halted for a while hesitating if moving on does matter after all..

what do you want from your life?

what is ultimate satisfaction in your life?

ever asked about your destiny and fortune?

i know it might sound familiar, but then again a little 'baseless' or even illogical for you to think of seeking a fortune teller or some birth secrets analysis, scientific palm analysis, face analysis or so to have an idea what and who you are. then what are you meant to be. how whether or not you will make an incredible fortune in your life, make history or whatsoever. maybe as simple as to seek something to reinforce your belief about your behaviors, your actions, your decisions, and your beings.

anyhow what does SUCCESS mean to you?

what are your PRIORITIES in life?

what are your TALENTS and INNATE ABILITIES you have yet fully discovered?

are you even meant to CHANGE the landscape of the world or just be ordinary?

are you about to lead a wave of drastic positive changes to LIVES?

the ultimate question being, WHO AM I? WHAT WAS I MADE OF? WHO AM I DESTINED TO BE?

recently i'm exposed to a mythical book Your Destiny and Scientific Hand Analysis by an author named Yaschpaule. somehow the book sparked me. with an underlying belief that palm analysis resembles brain analysis. that the patterns on your distinct palms change with your brain growth. and many western hospitals were already using palm analysis in diagnosing health problems and recommendations since 1980s. and this mythical art was performed and originated from India. since thousands of years ago. and yet until now, many indian scholars, even westerners come to study the palmistry in indian tertiary schools. and applied their scientific analysis to complement the study.

okay forget about that for now. the thing is, it is and was believed that palmistry works wonders with a combination of understanding of life, psychology, astrological science and horoscope things. birth secrets?? does that sound familiar to you? since ancient times there were people who were able to tell stories and foresee future happenings without any solid logical basis. any scientific reasonings behind these 'logics'? don't forget that there are way too many things in life that humans are yet capable of explaining even with our incredible brain power. and again yes we are currently using only 7% of our brain capacity.

should i talk a little about who i am according to the birth secret?

it sounds a little too UNBELIEVABLE for me to touch upon here. afterall i'm still a nobody now. somehow i do believe there is something extraordinary hidden in distinct identities that are about to unveil themselves bits by bits very soon. but am i going to let it come out and dominate me? or should i just continue to consciously tell myself i'm on the 'right' track and that life is 'perfect' this way? think about it. keep ideas and happenings in perspectives. embrace diversity and continually improve our minds, listen and read whatever we can, don't filter others' perspectives and arguments even though they might contradict our belief systems. you might be inspired into a whole new you who are more amazing.

okay just a glimpse of what and who i am in a few key words:

Dream Realizer, extremely imaginative, clearly aware of its unconscious minds, supportive, a consultant, teacher, parent, an idol, a star, a keen helper to others, bold actor, observant, sensitive, logical, analytical of others' behaviors and thoughts, 6th-sense-like, reliable for wisdom and courage, bold in protecting the weaklings, idolized by some, etc.

don't forget for every 'good' points there are the bads hidden in the back of it. merely a matter of perspective difference.

coupled with my abilities developed in areas of creativity, communication and persuasive skills, optimistic mindset, practical accounting + marketing + business + company and partnership law + management + operations + etc knowledge, my acceptable intelligence and wisdoms pursued like most others. and my willingness to learn from anyone from anywhere. even from babies and kids. i have an interesting charm to kids without myself knowing why and how. maybe i do know why and how. somehow i just understand them and am willing to listen to the baby thoughts..

anyway i'm kinda tired now. do brains actually sleep? do brains need to rest? most of the times my brain is functioning either the good way or bad way even when i was resting in bed. i was used to imagining myself being others and thinking from their perspectives and then analyzing the realistic truths versus the imaginary foresights.

okay enough for this round. i wana relax a bit now. need a break. i wana play and have fun.

a friend of mine challenged my core principles to life by stressing upon Happiness and Simplicity. i guess i did buy into that idea before, somehow i walked out of it once coz i think i could do much much more than being a happy and simple person whom i once tried to be. it was happy and simple but it ended just right there. it ain't exactly meaningful in a philosophical perspective. till another time. =)


Anonymous said...

Success to me is very simple. It is taking action. When you take action on task that lead to your goal, you are a success. The outcome out that action can be defined as "the outcomes of success."

Ron Finklestein

chrisshee said...

hi mr finklestein! i'm honored to have your comment on my blog! honest. =)

i'll keep in mind your words of wisdom.

but just wondering, if success is defined in such a way, wouldn't everyone already appear successful?

afterall everyone has plenty of goals in life. short term goals and long term goal. is goal defined strictly to long term or harder ones? according to my understanding, as long as it's an objective, it can be a goal. so if i were to say i am hungry and i want to eat mcD, eventually eating a burger from Burger King, am i considered successful? or at least i should be eating in mcD to be considered "successful"?

okay i do agree with your points. maybe the actions after actions are paving the roads toward coming attainments and achievements in life. but if one never starts to take action, he shall never have a chance to even get near to the path of success. of taking action as in knowing and accepting the opportunity he has painted for himself is already a success.

i'd just added your site to my links. i'll read up your business mastery. =)

glad. and best wishes to you sir.

hopefully i can learn more from you and maybe get to know you better. =)