Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ads on Rubbish Bins Idea that sparked me!

Hey all!

Loads of biz ideas flooding my mind lately.. Seems like I’m going nuts soon. Why? I totally couldn’t sleep last night. My creative juices couldn’t stop secreting and I’m overly excited over every single one of them. Well they are my babies, why would I not? Among the things that I’m most excited about is that I really hope to be able to work with our great Mr Ng Khai Lee on some biz ideas if he ever finds this nobody here a somebody worth taking onto his creative team. I don’t know if that would have the slightest possibility but I’d never felt so attached to anything contributive to the nation, and possibly to the world and at the same time personally believe having promising profitability in mind. Best yet so passionate I just want so badly to take actions on them and making them happen. Courtesy to youthsays.com. Here’s a challenge I’m giving myself now, “one practical biz idea a day, keeps all Malaysians societal inefficiencies away.” Challenging my mind to its limitation, hopefully this will gradually make my vision for a website portal possible (that’s the key thing I hope to work on with our talented Mr Ng and the rest). Details on the web portal another day.

Anyway getting to the inspiration I was saying. Let’s have ourselves in check of certain “problems” we are facing in our beautiful country. Don’t the public rubbish bins always disturb us all? Aren’t them just a pain in the eye and nose? Even for mouth (well when you decide to stop breathing that split second passing by the “well-maintained” rubbish bins, and instinctively decide to let your mouth do the breathing, okay.. aren’t you introducing more germs into your body? Lol!)..

So the brief proposal I’m suggesting will look something like,

Problem: poorly managed public rubbish bins.

Proposed solution: having corporate advertisements on public rubbish bins mandated by government ruling

Why? Well it’s a win-win solution for me.

1. You (the corporate companies) get to advertise in public (mass coverage man! Imagine the number of rubbish bins you can sponsor and maintain voluntarily then) and practice your CSR!

2. You (the government) do not have to go through the trouble if you can’t find the best balance to keep check of both public benefits and the maintenance costs eating into our public funds. Why bother if the capitalists (corporate companies) can do a better job than you at a more cost-effective and beneficial way?

3. We (the public) feel refreshed! No more struggle on our eyes, nose or mouth!

Proposal Details: the mandated rules!

1. First come first serve basis. The first company to come forward to pick the public spots and take the number of “bins” get what they want.

2. Did I mention it’s mandatory for all public listed companies to do it?

3. Don’t worry about them not maintaining their bins, coz their corporate images are at stake.

4. Refer to rule number 1-3. Because you (the corporate companies) don’t want to lose out. Locations and corporate image matter, right?

My inspirations? Someone talked about mandatory rules which I never liked, coupled with one of my weird vision during the night, I was seeing little coca-cola cans thrown against the HUGE coca-cola can you see in Genting. How cool is that? Please do feedback and comment!

Future plans: I think if this works out, the government should be eyeing on the public washrooms next. Imagine outside every toilet having this comment box and immediately above that box you see this cool label/ decorative plate “courtesy to (your respective company managing the washroom)” and your website advertised below.

Ps: hey don’t copy my idea if you think it appears cool to you okay? I’m sure you don’t wana miss out more ideas from me, do you? Hope I’m beginning to deserve your recognition by now? Hmm.. by the way, I’m not aware if this happens in other nations now, (hopefully not) but I certainly hope we are leading this trend! Malaysia boleh!


Chrisshee* (thanks to youthsays.com and the incredibly amazing peepz hanging out here)

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