Tuesday, May 6, 2008


let's share one more biz idea here. okay web portal again.. hehe.. sorry to disappoint you, but i'm more keen to share this 1st for now. i'm visualizing some kinda inspirational site again. it will sound sth like,


so what's great about this site will be that we, the moderators and editors will have brainstorm sessions and decide a probing question to the community, which we believe will have its positive chain effects and impacts.

okay for eg, what if we don't have to squeeze like sardines in a can when traveling in public transports? then we complement the probing question with pictures and photos our creative photography people snap to inspire people to think out of the box and figure innovative and creative solutions.

what if we can fly? without using machines?

i bet everybody can think of more meaningful "what if" questions. but the thing i would like to stress upon here is, usually the most skeptical question can also be the most inspiring key to new inventions. my 2 examples above may be lame to you now, but who knows? you never know who on earth, will be inspired by this simple question. you'll never know. inspirations come from everywhere.

the reason i'm focusing on these inspirational sites now is cause i believe in building a strong ground for which we can generates millions of biz ideas and practical day-to-day life solutions.

by the way, yes this site should complement inspirations.com.my as well. for certain inspirational ideas that couldn't be listed on the top 10 perhaps, we could make it useful by putting it in whatifs.com.my and probe internal questioning for answers.

maybe my points are a little blur now coz i should be sleeping at this hour. good night..

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