Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reviews on “The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins”


This is a superb book that has sold million copies in the world and I’m in no surprise if it is not going to hit into the Malaysian market. Why? We all know.. However for those with serious religious beliefs, I will discourage you from reading on in case you are not willing to face this worldwide controversial issue as yet.

Don’t worry, I’m not encouraging any rage against any religions here but as a leisure reading that could possibly prove worthwhile. (And I’m definitely not inviting rage) Why? Because I believe most of us have been “living in a box” (brainwashed) by many less mainstream or other belief systems that could be restraining us from being open-minded and creative with possibilities and discoveries of our past, current, and future lives. Please note that the above belief system I referred to does not specifically refer to the moralistic religions most of us uphold now. On a contrary, I refer it more to some controversial belief systems that are less adaptive and receptive of (or more extreme) the disparity now hotly happening and debated around the world (thanks to Professor Richard Dawkins).

Here are one of the stronger points suggested by Dr Richard Dawkins in an interview, revised according to my interpretation, an atheist is capable of living a full life because he or she is not led by the belief that there’s a second life after death, which means he should reasonably live a more complete and satisfied life!

Other hot points I understood include atheists can better rationalize logics with scientific reasons instead of resorting to god’s decisions, which could prove more viable in today’s reasoning-based and competitive life. Atheists are not restricted by certain god’s consent that might not in every situation be proven as the best solution or action. For instance, some strictly religious people might not tell even a practical or sincere lie out of benevolence. I don’t think I need to give further examples on that.

Even though I’m a free thinker, I too believe in the Karma thing, or whatever it’s called upheld by almost all religions.

“Thy shall not do things that thy hope not from others unto others.”

There are loads more hot debates on it out there, do feel free to click on the following suggested link,


Do allow your mind open for reasonable critics which might positively influence people around us. But do stand firmly on the grounds of your moral principles and values too to make the right decisions for yourselves. For instance, I might not find the kinky sex ideas by atheists appealing if that goes against my moral values. But that doesn’t mean that I have to go against them! Unless they are harming me or the society in any intruding fashion. And atheists are definitely not by nature evil.

On a contrary I do respect all sorts of mainstream religions positively impacting people’s lives and moderating the society out there. I’m happy that we Malaysians are living in such a peacefully moderated country where religions are not forced upon any individuals and at the same time widely respected.

The reason I review on this controversial issue is because I was unpleasantly shocked by the US little daily happenings in their little Christian towns despite their vastly publicized democracy and freedom, which definitely opened up my mind. Check out this clip that opened up my mind. I didn’t know how discomforting even common religious actions can have their toll on nonbelievers until I see this clip (The Price of Atheism). Never educate your kids that people who believe in differing belief systems from you are bad or evil. It will come back to you in the cycle if everyone does so. As a result, it might cause minor discriminations and collectively into devastating wars to your peaceful lives!


I personally believe that fellow Malaysians should learn from the Americans’ mistakes and be more thoughtful and considerate as we progressively develop and change our nation. Religion should never rule a country or a person’s life but instead rationale and logic coupled with sincere moral beliefs or goodwill as fundamentals. Learn from the American’s wisdom, the America not only protects people of different religions but from religions (the Atheists or free thinkers).

That’s all for now, do feel free to drop by your comments.

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