Tuesday, May 6, 2008

YouTV, I’m challenging 8TV

Since I’d promised to share 1 practical biz idea a day, I’ll have to live up to it don’t I?

I really would hesitate sharing this at first but okay, since I have the readers eyeing on my ideas now, it means recognition, and it shall color my resume.

Okay before speaking of YouTV, let me first tell you, this channel won’t be happening or even close to being successful until the earlier few business ideas and a few more kept in my head take off smoothly. So rest assured you can’t snatch this idea from me, unless you have me on board. =P

What is YouTV?

Yes, it’s going be tailored to meet you,you, and your expectations and needs! And yes, YouTV also represents youth TV. If you notice the creative art we can add by a tiny H in between T and V, it is already looking like a handicapped H before I try to temper it, don’t you think so? So the hype, we are gonna have all programs decided by extremely creative and talented youths, and definitely presented by talented youths too!

Should I share on the programs that are going to be shown there? A little insights probably. Yes the common things you can think of such as fashion styling, reality shows, entertainments, youth choice awards, youth choice movies, dramas, but also our YouTV exclusive news broadcasting that shall be not only comparable to CNN world news, but more than that as the leading youths will be providing insights into all areas.

Not convinced yet? Okay more insights. We will include exclusive highlights on the few most influencing bloggers of the day, highlights on our superbly established online web portals, for instance for bizideas.com.my which I am more than optimistic will sell! Not only to malaysia, but will go overseas and slowly be a trend worldwide! See what I see? Email me at chrisshee@yahoo.com to be a part of this vision soon to be taken off. I sincerely value talents and we will be partners if you can prove to impress my partners too. let me remind you not to copy my idea and take it as yours cause I’m more than sure that you’ll make yourself a competitor you don’t wish to compete with in the future. Why compete when we can collaborate and enjoy the synergy of best talents?

Okay for now. More insights next time. Hey don’t forget to email me if you share the same vision and believe that you can be of value and inspiration to me and my potential partners.


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