Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Let’s see what the hypes are about.

Tagline: 1 practical biz idea a day.

And had I caught your attention? It’s FREE!

Skeptical about it? Why should you if you have just eye-witnessed a list of 4-5 business idea posted in my blog now. And it all happened within 1 week’s time. And there are some more in my mind now.

And imagine, you are just seeing one youth’s ideas now. What if we have more talented youths joining in this widespread phenomenon?

We have inspiring talents and not only charismatic but motivational leaders in a team recruiting ideas and talents for an unlimited future ahead of us. And what more incredible is, these leaders are all below 30 years of age. What we call the PRIME AGE for OUT-OF-THE-BOX THINKING!

Why will we sell and grow huge? Traditionally and even up to now, business entrepreneurs all more than fear competitions and never dared to share their new ideas but keeping tight to themselves! The closest competition to our web portal idea will be business consultancy and management consultancy businesses BUT they charge their services for nominal fees, and worst of all, their ideas are either hidden in their sophisticated safety box or just couldn’t come out facing the public’s merciless critics!

What if we initiate this trend of sharing FREE amazing, mind-blowing business ideas we, the CREATIVE youths BELIEVE in and have you all inspired and get moving with the ideas? And you’re totally right, we’ll stick to the plan, our motto, “1 practical biz idea a day!!!” yes you don’t read me wrong, 1 for EACH DAY! Yea how long will it survive then? It depends on the public’s inputs too. How supportive the Malaysian public is. And yes, MALAYSIA! The land that breeds MULTIRACIAL TALENTS!

Does that start to sound promising now? If not, what about this? We don’t just earn from the advertising bucks like all other web portals but more (discussed later). Well we can definitely profit from the ads and sponsors if the ideas sell and the traffic starts hitting in daily! I’m optimistic that our ideas will be priceless. Maybe you don’t. Read on.

The key is, a league of talented youths we came to network with in youthsays.com. And do I not sound like a talented individual to you?

If I’m not good enough, would I have dared to share my business ideas here public and not fear that you might snatch them away from me and made them yours? Why? Cause I believe you can’t make it great without me on board, and the talented people we have. Can you make a masterpiece without the masterminds behind the project? Can you build powerplant without a generator? Of course still, I have to credit many superbly great talents and leaders in youthsays.com and of course the creator of the site for making me who I can be now. Naming a few like, khai lee, joel, mike, jade, ingenieur, leslie, craxgrl, Jackson, alex, summer and many more!

Okay back to our second money grabber. If our results happen to speak louder than words, meaning that our ideas are brilliant, people wouldn’t just want to freely take our ideas but consult us for business advices. So what are we talking about now? We earn consultation fees. Let me remind you, we’ll only have the best and talented individuals working with us, so how bad can our solutions be? Afterall we dare to publicly sell our ideas, and genuinely original ideas. If we ever have to quote or refer others’ ideas, we’ll definitely state the source and add more invaluable insights to it. We will stick to our grounds of ethical conduct and remain true to our principle of, “identifying potential talents and rewarding them with recognitions to encourage them to grow better and BETTER!” And people buy our ideas! Not literally buy but demand for, cause as Isaid, it's meant to be FREE ideas! (Provided that we live up to our plans, I’m optimistic so far. And if I weren’t, inspirations.com.my can assist in making these miracles happen. Cause inspirations and motivations from all these talented people I mentioned above inspires me heaven a lot!)

Last but not least, we shall make this portal an educational one. Involving elements similar to inspirations.com.my I suggested earlier on in earlier blog post. And what are those elements? Sharing and comment box for inputs! That makes 2 way traffic learning. And yes you are right, we’ll categorize our comment boxes into public comments and inputs from the PROs again. I’m sure getting the experienced professionals wouldn’t be so hard then seeing that our ideas are for everyone, not just for ourselves. And yes, IDEAS BREED IDEAS.

I’m very tired now. So enough for this round, I have another 3 more new business idea in mind now. Will share with you guys tomorrow. Sorry if it disappoints you. Tomorrow’s will be another web portal idea.

But I hereby assure you, all these web portals are working towards a bigger mission that I’ll share much later in my blog probably depending on readers’ demand. I’m not sure how much traffic is hitting on my blog now and what more to expect to know who read them, so I guess this means little recognition as yet. Will I be demotivated and lose my passion for ideas? Who knows. I guess I’ll have to depend on you guys as my inspirations and sources of motivation. Thanks for reading. Good night and sweet dreams.

Will I have nightmares tonight? Sobs..



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